
Dia do Blogue / BlogTago / BlogDay

Blog Day 2007

[pt] Esta entrada trilingue comemora o 3.º Dia do Blogue divulgando alguns dos meus blogues preferidos.

[eo] Per la jena trilingva blogaĵo mi celebras la 3-an BlogTagon diskonigante kelkajn blogojn kiuj plej plaĉas al mi.

[en] This trilingual post celebrates the 3rd BlogDay by promoting some of my favourite blogs.

Que Treta! (pt)

[pt] Este blogue português da autoria de Ludwig Krippahl é impecável. Trata temas que vão da biologia à política passando pela religião e a ciência. Faz pensar, e o cérebro agradece. É a minha recomendação #1.

[eo] Tiun ĉi blogon verkas portugale Ludwig Krippahl, kaj ĝi bonegas. Ĝi pritraktas temojn kiel biologio, politiko kaj religio. Pensigas, kaj la cerbo dankas. Mia rekomendo #1.

[en] This portuguese blog by Ludwig Krippahl is most excellent. It approaches subjects ranging from biology and science to politics and religion. Lots of food for thought here. My #1 recommendation.

E-planedo (eo)

[pt] Aqui são agregados vários blogues espalhados um pouco por todo o mundo, cujos autores escrevem em esperanto, uma língua auxiliar internacional.

[eo] Vi certe jam konas E-planedon. :-)

[en] This page aggregates various blogs spread all over the world, whose authors write in Esperanto, an international auxiliary language.

Planet Lisp (en)

[pt] Outro agregador de blogues. O tema deste é a minha linguagem de programação preferida, o Common Lisp.

[eo] Alia blogaro. Ties temo esta la programlinvgo kiun mi plej ŝatas, Common Lisp.

[en] Another blog aggregator. This one's about Common Lisp, my favourite programming language.

Schneier on Security (en)

[pt] A segurança, nomeadamente no que diz respeito ao terrorismo, é um tópico quente nos dias que correm. Schneier sabe do que fala e não tem papas na língua para criticar as más práticas de segurança, mentiras, mitos, etc.

[eo] Sekureco, nome rilate al terorismo, estas grava temo hodiaŭe. Schneier spertas pri tiu temo kaj ne hezitas kritiki malbonajn sekurec-praktikojn, mensogojn, mitojn, ktp.

[en] Security, namely terrorism-related issues, is a hot topic these days. Schneier is a security expert who doesn't hesitate to criticize bad security practices, lies, myths, etc.

TED Blog (en)

[pt] TED significa tecnologia, entertenimento e design. São esses os temas desta conferência anual onde participam pessoas como James Watson, Richard Dawkins ou Bill Cliton só para mencionar alguns nomes proeminentes. Entre outras coisas, neste blogue são divulgados regularmente vídeos com apresentações extremamente interessantes de conferências passadas.

[eo] TED signifas teknologion, amuziĝon kaj dezejnon. Pri tio temas tiu ĉi ĉiujara konferenco kiun partoprenas homoj kiel James Watson, Richard Dawkins aŭ Bill Cliton nur menciante kelkajn elstarajn nomojn. Interalie, tiu ĉi blogo ofte disponigas videojn kun ege interesaj prezentoj de pasintaj konferencoj. TED ja ne tedas.

[en] TED stands for technology, entertainment, and design. Those are the subjects of this yearly conference that features participations from people like James Watson, Richard Dawkins or Bill Clinton just to mention a few prominent names. Among other things, this blog regularly makes available extremely interesting video presentations from past conferences.

[pt] Dado que não participei nas duas edições anteriores deste evento, aqui ficam mais dez blogues que me agradam:

[eo] Pro tio ke mi ne partoprenis la du antaŭajn eldonojn de tiu ĉi evento, jen pliaj dek blogoj kiujn mi ŝatas:

[en] Since I didn't participate in the previous two editions of this event, here are ten more blogs I like:


trivial-features 0.1

Google's Summer of Code 2007 is over so, over the next few weeks I'll be releasing the various stuff I worked on this summer.

First up is trivial-features which ensures consistent *FEATURES* across multiple Common Lisp implementations. Well, it tries to; patches for exotic Lisps, operating systems, and CPUs are welcome. Comments and suggestions are welcome too. Consult its cliki page for more details.

While we're on the subject of features, “Maintaining Portable Lisp Programs” is an interesting paper by Christophe Rhodes that discusses common pitfalls when using read-time feature conditionals and suggests some good practices.


My blog got comments

Whoo hoo! My last few posts got some interesting comments, one of which mentions darcsum.el which is a nice Darcs mode for Emacs. My first impression with M-x darcsum-whatsnew is that it's not as nice as git-citool in one important way: it doesn't let me easily write my changelog while simultaneously picking what changes should be recorded. But it has some advantages too: its convenient keyboard shortcuts don't make me have to reach for the mouse and, hey, it's an Emacs mode. Still, no gitk-like repository browsing functionality.

Apparently, I'm not a Star Wars geek since I completely missed the “elegant weapons” reference in that xkcd comic about Lisp. Some people were upset about that.

Finally, it appears that dots in package or system names are generally disliked though it seems that's not something most people feel very strongly about. I don't like them.


Quick opinion poll regarding style

Do you like dots in package or ASDF system names?

  1. I do like them. (Please explain why.)
  2. I hate them. They break the pleasant symmetries formed by parentheses, dashes, and colons. E.g., (foo-bar-quux:frob-baz-now) vs. (foo.bar-quux:frob-baz-now)
  3. I don't care.

Please leave your answer in the comment form. Thank you.


Lisp featured in xkcd, again

xkcd has mentioned Lisp before, but smug Lisp weenies will probably find this one funnier. As a bonus for Lispers who like to waste time playing Nethack — and there are quite a few, myself included — this comic includes a funny reference to the game, hah.
