
My blog got comments

Whoo hoo! My last few posts got some interesting comments, one of which mentions darcsum.el which is a nice Darcs mode for Emacs. My first impression with M-x darcsum-whatsnew is that it's not as nice as git-citool in one important way: it doesn't let me easily write my changelog while simultaneously picking what changes should be recorded. But it has some advantages too: its convenient keyboard shortcuts don't make me have to reach for the mouse and, hey, it's an Emacs mode. Still, no gitk-like repository browsing functionality.

Apparently, I'm not a Star Wars geek since I completely missed the “elegant weapons” reference in that xkcd comic about Lisp. Some people were upset about that.

Finally, it appears that dots in package or system names are generally disliked though it seems that's not something most people feel very strongly about. I don't like them.

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